"Virtual summits are overdone"
summit basics
Jun 16, 2020
Have you ever heard someone say that "virtual summits are overdone"? Or maybe you've even thought it yourself?
Quite honestly, I see this as someone turning their back on a strategy because it works.
...Which is silly, right?
Let's chat about why I say that in today's post.
Do you think summits are overdone?
I was recently talking to an influencer who was planning a summit. They brought up that they'd waited so long because virtual summits are "such a saturated way to grow your business".
Basically saying that summits are overdone, which I've heard a lot of before.
This person realized that this thought was silly as they were saying it, but I want to break down why in this post for anyone who needs to hear it.
Because, if a big influencer is having this mindset block about hosting a virtual summit, I KNOW other people are having it too. And it truly is a mindset block to think that you shouldn't do a summit because they are overdone.
Let's break down why.
What about every other marketing strategy out there?
You don't want to host a summit because there are a lot of other business owners doing them...but what about:
- Webinars
- Challenges
- Facebook ads
- Posting on social media
- Marketing to an email list
- Using a Facebook group
What about those strategies?
I would argue that those things are much more saturated than a virtual summit, right?
So many more people are doing webinars than running summits. So many more people are marketing using Facebook ads than running summits.
All of these other strategies are so much more "overdone". (Note: I don't actually think they're overdone...they work!)
So why is there this issue with virtual summits?
I've heard what the answer to this question is: summits make it more visible.
With 20+ speakers promoting the same thing, more people see it when you host a summit. Because of that, it seems like summits are more overdone.
Are you putting off summits because they work?
When you avoid a strategy because it gets you in front of a wider audience, you are effectively putting it off because of the fact that it works.
That's what's happening when it comes to virtual summits.
People are willing to share summits, the strategies work, and you make more money than anything else. I vote that we all stop putting off summits because they work. No more avoiding success!
However, I will say that I understand. It can be scary to get visible and put yourself out there to so many people.
But, I'm not convinced that any large business growth comes inside of a comfort zone.
Embrace the fact that you'll be uncomfortable. Embrace being visible and seeing success.
Plan your summit
I hope you're with me here. Hosting a virtual summit will work wonders for growing your business.
So get started and plan your summit. It's going to be great!

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Do you think summits are overdone?
I was recently talking to an influencer who was planning a summit. They brought up that they'd waited so long because virtual summits are "such a saturated way to grow your business".
Basically saying that summits are overdone, which I've heard a lot of before.
This person realized that this thought was silly as they were saying it, but I want to break down why in this post for anyone who needs to hear it.
Because, if a big influencer is having this mindset block about hosting a virtual summit, I KNOW other people are having it too. And it truly is a mindset block to think that you shouldn't do a summit because they are overdone.
Let's break down why.
What about every other marketing strategy out there?
You don't want to host a summit because there are a lot of other business owners doing them...but what about:
- Webinars
- Challenges
- Facebook ads
- Posting on social media
- Marketing to an email list
- Using a Facebook group
What about those strategies?
I would argue that those things are much more saturated than a virtual summit, right?
So many more people are doing webinars than running summits. So many more people are marketing using Facebook ads than running summits.
All of these other strategies are so much more "overdone". (Note: I don't actually think they're overdone...they work!)
So why is there this issue with virtual summits?
I've heard what the answer to this question is: summits make it more visible.
With 20+ speakers promoting the same thing, more people see it when you host a summit. Because of that, it seems like summits are more overdone.
Are you putting off summits because they work?
When you avoid a strategy because it gets you in front of a wider audience, you are effectively putting it off because of the fact that it works.
That's what's happening when it comes to virtual summits.
People are willing to share summits, the strategies work, and you make more money than anything else. I vote that we all stop putting off summits because they work. No more avoiding success!
However, I will say that I understand. It can be scary to get visible and put yourself out there to so many people.
But, I'm not convinced that any large business growth comes inside of a comfort zone.
Embrace the fact that you'll be uncomfortable. Embrace being visible and seeing success.
Plan your summit
I hope you're with me here. Hosting a virtual summit will work wonders for growing your business.
So get started and plan your summit. It's going to be great!
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