It's frustrating to have an offer that you know is amazing and that gets amazing results for the people who buy it, but that you're struggling to grow the way you'd like to.
That's what today's guest, Heather Levin, was experiencing prior to hosting her first summit. She had a great membership in an amazing and unique niche, but nothing she was doing was creating the results she wanted and...
Customer service is…one of the not-so-fun parts of hosting a virtual summit. When you run an event as big as a summit, an influx of customer support questions usually comes with it - no matter how clearly you spell things out! It’s just bound to happen when you have thousands of people at something free there will be at least a couple of “those people”.
It's hard to...
I know there are a lot of you out there who love the energy of summits, and the audience growth, revenue, and visibility they bring. But we're always looking for other ways to keep the momentum up between summits too. We love challenges for that, as a way to keep the connection and sales going with your existing audience between summits. But about getting in front of new audiences? How do you...
I've coached hundreds of summit hosts and rarely see someone who makes it through the entire process without running into resistance at least somewhere along the way.
Sometimes, it shows up as resistance to even getting started with the hosting a summit in the first place. I'll hear things like, "I definitely want to join your program and host a summit, but I'll come back when I...
Some summit hosts start their planning with a clear vision of what they want their event to be like from the beginning. And others go in knowing they want to host a summit, but it takes a little while for their full vision to come through. Either way, once you get into the details of planning your summit, it's not always easy to stay true to the vision you had for your event in the...
Have you ever noticed that it seems totally normal in the online business space for launches to leave you tired and on the brink of burnout?
I'll be honest, it's not rare for me to end up sick in the middle of my launches... and I know there's a reason for that!
But I also know that launches don't have to be like this. The truth is, launches can be luxurious and totally free from...
I know there are so many of you who want to use a summit not only to grow your business but to make an impact.
A summit on its own, when done well, will naturally have a positive impact on those involved, but sometimes you want to take that impact even further.
I have a beautiful example of how the impact of a summit can expand beyond the event itself on the podcast this week. Hunter...
Last week, I shared a behind-the-scenes of how I use this podcast for my virtual summits, and it got me thinking about how beneficial my podcast has been, both for my summits and my business as a whole. It also helped me realize that I could do better with it from a strategy standpoint.
Since I figured this topic would get the wheels turning for a lot of you who have or want to...
If you've been around a while, and especially if you're in our programs, you've heard me teach about the importance of connecting with speakers before you pitch to increase the chances that they'll say yes, promote, and turn into long-term friends and collaborators.
As much as I love sending warm pitches, I've also sent cold pitches in every virtual summit I've ever hosted. I think for most...
Lately, we've been working closely with clients lately to launch memberships through their virtual summits. We've seen 50, 200, 300, and even 500 members added through one event by following this incredibly powerful strategy, and I'm excited to share a guest on the podcast with you this week who can go deeper into the membership side of this strategy than I can.
One strategy I talk with...
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