The Summit Host Hangout Podcast

Hundreds of episodes filled with real stories, real strategies, and real numbers to help you make your virtual summit (and the launch that follows) as streamlined and profitable as possible.
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Build On Your Speaker Relationships After a Virtual Summit without Burning Out with Amelia Roberts

Hosting a virtual summit is a powerful way to connect with peers. Learn how to build on those relationships in an organized way that won't zap all your energy.

Hosting a virtual summit is a powerful way to connect with peers that can lead to powerful collaborations, opportunities, and friendships down the road.

The connections you make with other business owners can be incredibly powerful and benefit your business in so many ways. Collaborating with 20+ experts in your industry by hosting a summit is an incredible way to quickly grow your network,...

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Do Speakers Care if I Launch My Course After a Virtual Summit?

Are speakers bothered when you use a summit to lead into a launch? Let's cover what to avoid and my top tips to be sure speakers are comfortable with the launch.

Lately, we've been talking more and more about using a virtual summit to launch a course, membership, or high-ticket program.

Using the momentum from your summit to launch on the backend has truly incredible results for you as the host... but what about your speakers? 

I've been asked a few times recently whether or not speakers care if you incorporate a launch into your summit:

  • Do...
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Creating and Growing Value-Driven Memberships with Lisa Princic

Lisa Princic joined me to chat about how to grow a membership based on your values, common challenges, and her experience using a summit to launch a membership.

There are a lot of business models out there, but the most important thing is that the model you choose and the way you approach it, aligns with YOUR values. This week we're talking about the membership business model, and how you can create and grow a membership driven by your values. 

I chatted with membership expert Lisa Princic of Scaling Deep and she shared:

  • what it means to grow...
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B2C Virtual Summits: Changing Up the Cookie-Cutter Summit Strategy with Tenae Stewart

We're used to seeing virtual summits done in a specific way. But what if those go-to strategies aren't right for your audience? Here’s how you can change it up.

You'd think that someone with a business called "Summit in a Box" might think there is one cookie-cutter way to host a summit, but that's not at all the case. The "box" is meant to make your first summit as easy as possible and to allow you to expand and customize from there.

Find a part of the process that doesn't feel good?

Think your audience will respond better to something different?


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How to Make Non-Transactional, Ick-Free Speaker Connections with Michelle Warner

It’s possible to make speaker connections without it feeling transactional, forced, or awkward. Here is a 4-step system that you can maintain in 5-minutes a day.

Networking can have a big impact on the growth and reach of your virtual summit. 

That's because, having connections to reach out to when summit planning makes the entire process flow more smoothly, specifically when it comes to creating your speaker lineup.

While, a lot of the time, reaching out to speakers can feel transactional, forced, and awkward, it's totally possible to...

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Leverage Connections Over Paid Ads to Grow Your Virtual Summit with Margaux Fraise

Learn to host a virtual summit without relying on paid advertising. Instead, leverage community and connection to host an event that exceeds your goals.

Want to host a profitable virtual summit without relying on paid ads? Whether you want to skip paid advertising altogether or layer other strategies on top of your ads, it is totally possible.

The connections you make with leaders in your industry can have profound effects on a summit and your business. 

This week Margaux Fraise is sharing how she brought in $20k in profit in...

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Authenticity Over Vanity Metrics in Your Virtual Summit with Mia Lauren

Let’s walk through why authenticity and connection matters over vanity metrics in your virtual summit, on Instagram, and throughout your business as a whole.

It's easy to get caught up in the number of followers you have, your summit registration goal, and the profit you see once your virtual summit is over. But what we often miss is the impact authenticity and connections can have in everything we do.

When it comes to a virtual summit, this can show up in how you approach speakers, how you promote, the way you connect with attendees during...

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Can I Require a Certain Email List Size from Virtual Summit Speakers?

There's a strategy where virtual summit hosts pitch speakers and mention that a list size of at least 5000 subscribers is required. But is it okay to do?

In case you haven't experienced this yet for yourself, there's a pretty widespread strategy where summit hosts pitch you to speak at their summit, and then at the bottom of the pitch, they mention that you need to have 5000 people on your email list to participate.  

Let's break down whether it's okay to require a certain email list size from virtual summit speakers and why.


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How to Create Feel-Good Virtual Summit Sponsorships with Chelsea Clarke

Learn the secret behind creating feel-good brand sponsorships for your virtual summit and how Chelsea Clarke landed $15k with them in her very first summit.

Landing sponsors for your virtual summit doesn't have to be complicated or feel slimy. It can be an experience that feels great for you and your sponsors while presenting incredible resources to your attendees.

Chelsea Clark is here this week to share her experience and how, in her very first summit, she landed $15k in summit sponsorships without uncomfortable sales calls or slimy...

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Manage Your Time to Launch a Virtual Summit as a Side Hustler with Kari Roberts

Learn how to host a virtual summit as a side-hustler without the stress. This 3-step process is about to make your summit prep go a whole lot more smoothly.

You know a virtual summit is a great way to grow your email list, boost revenue, and get your name out there, but how do you fit it in along with an already busy side-hustle?

It's all about how you manage your time.

Today, Kari Roberts is here to share how she hosted a summit without stressing herself out as a side-hustler and how you can do it too.

Her 3-step process...

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