The Summit Host Hangout Podcast

Hundreds of episodes filled with real stories, real strategies, and real numbers to help you make your virtual summit (and the launch that follows) as streamlined and profitable as possible.
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"Accidentallyā€¯ Adding 300+ Members to a Membership with a Virtual Summit with Bail Ansari

This week you'll hear from Bail Ansari about her unexpected success with virtual summits and how she

There's something really special happening with summits in hobby-based niches right now. Over and over we're seeing our clients host a summit for B2B niche with a hobby-related topic, and they absolutely take off. I've got an incredible story to share with you today from one of our clients who experienced this firsthand when she "accidentally" added 300 members to her membership through a...

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A Last-Ditch Effort That Brought in $30k and 260 New Members with Heather Levin

Tune in to hear what made Heather decide to go for it with her first summit, what the experience was like, and how it completely transformed her business.

It's frustrating to have an offer that you know is amazing and that gets amazing results for the people who buy it, but that you're struggling to grow the way you'd like to.

That's what today's guest, Heather Levin, was experiencing prior to hosting her first summit. She had a great membership in an amazing and unique niche, but nothing she was doing was creating the results she wanted and...

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8 Reasons You Need to Host a Summit if You Have a Membership

We've consistently seen our clients add 150-500 new members with their summits and I'll share 7 other reasons that summits and memberships are the perfect pair.

If you have a proven membership that you're ready to scale and bring to the forefront of your business, it's time to host a virtual summit.

You've heard me say time and time again that a virtual summit can bring a ton of momentum, awareness, and revenue into your business, and launching your membership is no exception.

We've consistently seen our clients add anywhere from 150-500 new...

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How to Grow Your Membership with a Trial + Convert Trials to Paying Members with Mike Morrison

Hear about the power of memberships, 2 keys to make it work, what you need to know about free trials, and 6 strategies to converting trials to paying members.

Lately, we've been working closely with clients lately to launch memberships through their virtual summits. We've seen 50, 200, 300, and even 500 members added through one event by following this incredibly powerful strategy, and I'm excited to share a guest on the podcast with you this week who can go deeper into the membership side of this strategy than I can. 

One strategy I talk with...

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How to Choose Which Offer to Launch Through Your Summit

If you've got multiple offers that perform well in your business and want to know which one to launch through a virtual summit, this episode is for you!

Last week we talked about the three types of offers that work best when launching through a virtual summit, but if you've got multiple offers that perform well in your business - how do you know which one to launch with your event? 

In this episode, we'll cover the biggest misconception people have when it comes to choosing which of their offers to launch through a summit,...

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The Best Types of Offers to Launch Through a Virtual Summit

In this episode, we'll break down the 3 best types of offers to launch through a summit, plus what to do if you don't have one of them in your offer suite.

Which offer should I launch through my virtual summit?

We have this question come up a lot in conversation. Basically, the question is coming from a place of wanting to know if the type of offer you have works. And that’s totally natural to wonder about!

Launching through a summit is a powerful strategy for bringing in a flood of new members into your offer. I've seen successful...

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Why You Didn't Make Any Course Sales After Your Last Summit

Have a

It can be a total letdown to get to the end of your summit and then not make any sales in the launch that follows your event. Especially if the primary reason for hosting a summit in the first place was to sell your course or signature offer! 

Launching through summits is the most powerful launch method I've ever experienced, but I know that's not always the case for...

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Maximize Course Sales with a 3-Part Hybrid Marketing Method with Gemma Bohman-Carter

Learn how to maximize your course sales with a 3-part hybrid marketing method by Gemma Bohman-Carter that will catch people when they're ready to buy.

We're currently in a three-part series with special guests who are experts in all things course launches. I'm so excited to take a quick break from our normal summit talk for this series because truly, the better your course and program launches go on their own, the more a summit is going to enhance those results.

When you have both of those pieces working together, it just...

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Fund Your Launches (and profit) with a Virtual Summit

Tune in to this episode to learn how to not only fund your launches, but profit before you start launching, with a virtual summit.

We're currently in a series about virtual summits for high-volume business owners: business owners who need a relatively high volume of leads or page views to hit their sales goals. If you haven't listened to the first episode in this series where I broke down if a virtual summit is right for you, and you think you might be a high-volume business owner, (aka you have a course, membership, or...

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Top Takeaways from our December 2022 Virtual Summit

I'm excited to share my biggest takeaways from our event in December 2022. Hear about hosting a December summit, launching a high-ticket program, and more!

Now that I’ve had some time to reflect on our most recent run of Sell with a Summit: Course Creator Edition, I’m excited to share my top takeaways on the podcast this week!

After a 2+ year hiatus on hosting summits for this business, our December 2022 summit was long overdue. Even though we ran this same event back in 2020, and we’ve run several summits for a different...

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