The Summit Host Hangout Podcast

Hundreds of episodes filled with real stories, real strategies, and real numbers to help you make your virtual summit (and the launch that follows) as streamlined and profitable as possible.
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How to Choose Your Virtual Summit Format

Not sure if your virtual summit should be live or pre-recorded? Have presentations or interviews? Be two days or five? Let’s choose your virtual summit format.Not sure if your virtual summit should be live or prerecorded? Have presentations or interviews? Be two days or five? Have 15 speakers or 50?

There are all kinds of details to consider when planning your summit format and we're going to break them all down in today's post.

That way, you can stop sweating the small details and get going on the pieces that will truly matter in creating a...

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"Virtual summits are overdone"

Have you ever heard someone say that “virtual summits are overdone”? I sure have and those people are turning their back on a strategy *because* it works.Have you ever heard someone say that "virtual summits are overdone"? Or maybe you've even thought it yourself?

Quite honestly, I see this as someone turning their back on a strategy because it works. 

...Which is silly, right?

Let's chat about why I say that in today's post. 

Do you think summits are overdone?

I was recently talking to an influencer who was planning a summit. They...

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How to Pitch to Speak at Virtual Summits with Michelle Lewis

Did you know there is a magic formula to craft an insanely effective summit pitch? Here’s how to pitch to speak (and get speakers) at virtual summits.Did you know there is a magic formula to craft an insanely effective virtual summit pitch? There is and Michelle Lewis is going to map it all out for us.

In addition to the magic formula to help you land more summit speaking gigs, Michelle also shares how to get around the time-sensitive nature of a virtual summit pitch and her best tip for pitching big-name speakers to be on *your*...

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How To Get Speakers To Contribute A Bonus To Your All-Access Pass

A virtual summit all-access pass that sells is all about the bonuses. Here’s how to encourage speakers to contribute a bonus for your all-access pass.In the all-access pass for my most recent virtual summit, I offered over $3000 in speaker bonuses. This is how I've always done it and it has a huge part to play in why the summit strategies I teach have a 3-5 times higher conversion rates than industry standard summits.

The best part is that this strategy benefits not only you, but also your speakers and attendees.

Read on to learn how to get...

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The Problem With Requiring Speaker Promotion + How To Do It Right

There’s a problem with how some summits hosts encourage speakers to share their events. Let’s talk about requiring speaker promotion of your virtual summit.There is a major problem with how some summits hosts have gone about requiring speakers to promote their event. But when you see someone doing something a certain way, I know it's second nature to do it similarly yourself.

So today we're going to break down what these issues are and how to fix them so you can create an incredible speaker experience for your next virtual summit.

Why This Is An...

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From MVP to Membership to Epic Program: The Launch Method I Used to Create Summit in a Box!

This episode is coming to you thanks to getting a lot of questions about how I launched my new Summit in a Box program. Once my friend Zoe asked if I had any resources on the method I used, I decided it was time to make something, so here we are!

In this bonus episode of the Summit Host Hangout podcast, I'm sharing a behind-the-scenes look at how I went from a minimum viable product to...

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How To Get Speakers To Share Your Virtual Summit

Let’s cover 7 ways to get speakers to share about your virtual summit as well as how these tips worked for me in my most recent event.Worried that your speakers won't share about your virtual summit? I get it. We rely on our speakers to get our summits out into the world and hit the goals we've been dreaming of. And sometimes, reality can fall a bit short of our expectations.

Let's dive into 8 ways to encourage your speakers to share about your virtual summit, as well as how these tips worked for me in my most recent...

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How To Get Summit Speaker Content On Time (And Make It Easy)

Feel like dealing with your virtual summit speakers is like herding cats? It can be! Here’s how to get your speaker content on time and make it easy!Many virtual summit hosts struggle to get speakers to deliver their content on time. But it doesn't have to be complicated!

In fact, I have a system for collecting speaker content that makes it pretty darn easy. In this post, we'll cover:

  • Why you need to prepare to collect content in advance
  • What type of content you need to collect
  • The best way to collect speaker content and how to automate...
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Boosting Virtual Summit Results Using Facebook Ads with Destini Copp

The right Facebook ads strategy will skyrocket your virtual summit’s results. Let’s determine your budget, test your audiences, and use ads to boost engagement.You want to get the best possible results from your virtual summit and know that doing so means extending your reach outside of your current audience. But what are the most effective ways to use Facebook ads to boost summit results without banking the bank or overcomplicating things?

Today, I've brought in first-time summit host, Destini Copp, to talk about her virtual summit and...

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The 5 Major Pieces Of A Virtual Summit

Let’s cover the 5 major pieces of a virtual summit including the basics, my top tips, and where you can learn more about each one.A virtual summit can be a lot to wrap your head around. If you're feeling a little uncertain or overwhelmed, know that it's totally okay! Today, I'll give you a quick overview of the 5 major pieces that go into hosting a virtual summit.

We'll cover what each of those pieces are, some of my top tips, and resources you can reference to learn more about each one.

Who the summit is for and...

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