The Summit Host Hangout Podcast

Hundreds of episodes filled with real stories, real strategies, and real numbers to help you make your virtual summit (and the launch that follows) as streamlined and profitable as possible.
Get a curated playlist of episodes here!

Build On Your Speaker Relationships After a Virtual Summit without Burning Out with Amelia Roberts

Hosting a virtual summit is a powerful way to connect with peers. Learn how to build on those relationships in an organized way that won't zap all your energy.

Hosting a virtual summit is a powerful way to connect with peers that can lead to powerful collaborations, opportunities, and friendships down the road.

The connections you make with other business owners can be incredibly powerful and benefit your business in so many ways. Collaborating with 20+ experts in your industry by hosting a summit is an incredible way to quickly grow your network,...

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A Virtual Summit is a Full Funnel - From Lead Generation to Launch!

A virtual summit is a full funnel - from lead gen to launch! Tune in to learn what a funnel is, the strategies we use, and how it's a full funnel all by itself.

Have you heard that virtual summits are an entire funnel, from lead generation to launch? Most marketing strategies out there play a role in generating leads, building awareness, nurturing an existing audience, or making sales. But while each strategy serves a purpose on its own, it requires multiple different strategies combined together in order to form a...

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Do Speakers Care if I Launch My Course After a Virtual Summit?

Are speakers bothered when you use a summit to lead into a launch? Let's cover what to avoid and my top tips to be sure speakers are comfortable with the launch.

Lately, we've been talking more and more about using a virtual summit to launch a course, membership, or high-ticket program.

Using the momentum from your summit to launch on the backend has truly incredible results for you as the host... but what about your speakers? 

I've been asked a few times recently whether or not speakers care if you incorporate a launch into your summit:

  • Do...
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Overwhelm is Optional: Resilient Time Management to Launch Your Virtual Summit with Stacy Brookman

It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when planning your virtual summit. But it doesn't have to be that way. Listen in for Stacy's secrets to avoid overwhelm.

Hosting a virtual summit is a big project that takes a good amount of time and attention. Especially when hosting your first summit, it's not uncommon to end up feeling overwhelmed as you go through a brand new experience and do something you haven't done before.

But overwhelm doesn't have to be part of the summit planning process. Today, I have a special guest, Stacy Brookman, who...

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Why No One Signed Up for Your Virtual Summit

I’m feeling a little spicy this week…but lovingly spicy, of course…because we’re going to talk about why no one signed up for your virtual summit.

If you’re someone that this has happened to, as long as you’re not sitting here blaming summits as the reason it didn’t work, the spice is not directed at you. It is fully directed at people who...

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Summits vs Bundles: Why I'd host a virtual summit over a bundle every time

I've tried a ton of different marketing methods over the years, and while summits are hands down my favorite strategy for quickly growing an audience of high-quality leads, nurturing them, and launching all in one, there are a lot of other options out there!

One of my favorite ways to grow my audience over the years has been participating in bundles put together by other...

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How Laurie Doubled the Size of Her Membership with a Virtual Summit with Laurie Acker

Virtual summits are a powerful addition to any online business. For Laurie, summits are also the foundation of her business with quarterly one-day events.

Virtual summits are a powerful addition to any online business. Not just as a one-time event, but as a bigger piece of your overall business strategy. Many of our most successful clients host 1-2 summits per year as their main lead generator and visibility strategy. But this week, you'll hear from our client Laurie Acker, who has made summits the foundation of her entire business. 


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The 4 Keys that Allowed Me to Host a Virtual Summit on Part-Time Hours

I'm often asked how I

One of the number one things that hold people back from hosting a virtual summit is time. A summit is a big project, and when you already have a lot on your plate, the idea of fitting in a summit on top of everything else might seem impossible.

I get asked quite a lot about how I do it all, including running 2 businesses, hosting at least 1 summit/year, and having two kids under 4 years...

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Why We're Hosting a Paid Conference Instead of a Free Summit

Join me in a behind-the-scenes episode as I share why we're hosting a paid conference, my goals with it, and who I believe paid events are the best fit for.

After 185 episodes talking about how powerful free virtual summits are, I've got something a little different for you. This week, I’m going to surprise everyone and talk about why we are hosting our first PAID conference.

Up to this point, I’ve hosted 7 free summits and honestly never really thought I’d give paid events another try. But here we are, and we’ll...

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How a Sponsor Added $60k in High-Ticket Sales Using MY Virtual Summit with Shannon Mattern

My summit's presenting sponsor talks about how we launched her high-ticket program after my summit, results she saw, and how they compared to her other launches.

We’ve been talking more and more about using a virtual summit to launch a course, membership, or high-ticket group program lately. People tend to take my word for it that this strategy works for a course or membership, but I do get questions about it working for higher-priced programs. People are skeptical that a free event can really work to sell a high-ticket program. They wonder...

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